
Canadian rock band Rush were trailblazers in many ways, most notably their backstage rider’s alcohol demands.
As seen here in excerpts from the group’s 1990 rider, more than a decade before Sheryl Crow did the same, the metal trio had a weekly booze schedule inserted into their tour contract. In addition to cases of Michelob, Molson Golden, Corona, Miller Genuine Draft, and an “exotic beer” (“but absolutely no Heineken”), promoters were instructed to provide a specific 26-ounce bottle of liquor that varied based on the day of the week.
For example, Meyers Dark Rum was consumed on Mondays, while Martell Cordon Bleu cognac was required on Wednesdays. With regard to the group’s Sunday liquor needs, the rider notes--in polite Canadian fashion--“Please ensure that it is the top Napoleon Courvoisier --not the VSOP!”
Geddy Lee & Co. also had a thing for “real fresh whipped cream” on their assorted desserts and a “strawberry and exotic fruit presentation” delivered to their dressing room. These sweets were to include “small french pastries made with custard or real fresh whipped cream. Fresh bakery assorted donuts, chocolate brownies, cheese cakes (no Danish pastries).” (5 pages)
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